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More than Meeting a Regulatory Requirement

Implemented in the right way, Operational Resilience can realise benefits far beyond a more robust strategy and approach to resilience and recovery. 

This is an opportunity to open doors towards a complete change of culture that drives and naturally encourages better business strategies, supports operational decisions  and creates a change towards a culture based on business and customer outcomes.

Meeting the guidance creates Operational Resilience, right...?

You only need to scan through the websites of consultants and experts to identify the standard approach being offered in meeting regulatory expectations for Operational Resilience; identifying Important Business Services, mapping, setting Impact Tolerances and scenario testing. This is effectively no more than is set out by the guidance.

Such an approach creates a basic framework that will initially meet regulatory requirements. However, this alone will not create Operational Resiliency, will not create an understanding of service vulnerabilities, will not create a Business as Usual model to achieve and maintain resiliency or continued compliance, will not create a change of culture where non-operational business units are driven by business and customer outcomes. The list goes on. 

There are some firms that will only want to meet the requirement and do no more, whether this be for strategic reasons, financial reasons or simple apathy towards the requirement. Not doing more through a lack of understanding or insight is a significantly wasted opportunity to naturally develop the business to operate like a business. And the most significant aspect of this is that cost is not relative to the benefits gained. The opportunities and benefits far outweigh the cost of taking the extra steps, which can very easily be recouped almost immediately as a result of the efficiencies gained. 

So, how can Bembridge Consultancy Solutions do more?

Contact us to find out more about how we can help you develop your approach to Operational Resilience 

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