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Preparation For Crisis
3 Bespoke Solutions

Covid-19 : Preparation and Knoweldge is Control

The consequences of not being fully prepared for crisis and disaster is now only too apparent for many businesses.


Firms across the UK have reacted positively to the impact of Covid-19 and businesses will be proud of how employees have handled the Covid-19 crisis. However, the effectiveness of initial reactions and the ease of implementing emergency measures is only as good as the preparations and strategy already in place. Full preparation for a crisis or incident enables the fastest and most efficient reaction possible. Whilst many firms responded well and positively, this was all reactive as opposed to a planned, efficient and managed approach. 

A good Disaster Recovery process and well thought out Business Continuity plan are no longer enough to ensure the best possible risk and vulnerability management for businesses. This has been evidenced by Covid-19 with the high volume of firms that have gone out of business, some as a result of the failure of dependent suppliers of services, goods or systems as opposed to their own failures.

Robust Operational Resiliency ensures that such vulnerabilities are identified and resolved, enabling a fully informed investment strategy and operational model. Preparation, knowledge and resiliency are the best possible foundations for being able to manage issues and crisis effectively and to ensure a business survives any incident, no matter how implausible.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of businesses have not been sufficiently prepared for an incident such as Covid-19. The huge obstacles experienced would have been far easier to address had Operational Resilience measures been in place and vulnerabilities would not have been a surprise or a blindsiding impact.

The speed of reaction to such scenarios unquestionably creates a better chance of a positive outcome or even survival. However, having the information and knowledge available to make the right decisions at the right time is critical to ensuring that the steps taken at the outset of a crisis are 100% effective and do not create further bi-issues. This is invaluable and means that reactions are not just timely but also effective.

It is evident that future considerations for resilience have changed during 2020. This will continue throughout 2021 and beyond, as the way in which services are supplied and operations are conducted change. Covid-19 has changed the landscape and approach permanently. It is essential to remain pro-active around this and to have sight and control of all vulnerabilities and risks. This doesn't just stop at increased and continued remote working, this applies to matters such as the use of 3rd party suppliers and outsourcing arrangements. BCS already has this covered and can support this through Operational Resilience.

Understanding your business and how it supplies it services is essential to the survival or efficient recovery during a crisis. Understanding the dependencies and risk exposures, some of which will be 3rd party suppliers also impacted by the same crisis, enables knowledge, planning and strategy. Solid Operational Resilience preparations mean that Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery measures are far more effective and significantly easier to implement. 


We provide bespoke solutions, as detailed below. Different options and solutions based on your business' requirements, needs and budget.

Our approach is not to create change for the sake of it or to impose an inflexible model. Wherever possible, we create improvement and integration with existing processes and Business Continuity arrangements. 

We aim to become a part of your business and not an outside influence attempting to impose or dictate. Talk to us about how we can implement and meet Operational Resilience for your business, simply and efficiently.

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Bembridge Consultancy Solutions Limited provides bespoke solutions. We offer various solution types and approaches, as shown below, to work for the business concerned and provide the best possible solution.


Our unique approach is one of understanding the business and hearing the business needs, not applying or forcing the generic approaches of the big consultancies or Auditors. Our solutions are precisely that, solutions that work for the business and meet the business' own needs and requirements. We provide a vision and find the appropriate way of implementing the right solution for your specific business at the fraction of the cost of the larger Consultancies and Auditors but with the same assurances and reliability.

We provide a bespoke approach to Operational Resilience and work with your business to implement and create benefits, whilst minimising interruptions to business as usual activity. 

We can offer different approaches depending on your business needs and requirements;

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Full Implementation of Operational Resilience by Our Team, Through to a BAU Handover

We will fully implement a best in class Operational Resilience model for you, building a framework and completing the work for you, minimising the impact to business operations but whilst still taking the business on the journey to BAU implementation, which we will help to design and support.

We will work with you to agree an initial objective and then provide full implementation of Operational Resilience for you, avoiding disruption to your operations. This negates the need for internal secondments or the use of valuable employed resource to put Operational Resilience into place.


This option works well when suitably experienced resource does not exist/ is unavailable internally or where Change Teams have no scope to assist.


We provide full project reporting, ensuring clear visibility of the benefits being implemented and achieved.


Full project implementation is supplied by us through to a 'Business as Usual' handover, which we will design with you and then fully support its placement. We will help to train and guide the Operational Resilience Target Operating Model as required, through to a point where confidence is held and a roadmap exists for the BAU Team to take forward.

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Contact Us

Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.

Kirktom House
The Green
PE10 0HB

A direct line into our Managing Director: Andrew Bembridge 07736273076

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