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3 Bespoke Solutions

Creating the Right Foundation for Ongoing Operational Resilience

Many firms are starting to engage on a journey of meeting Operational Resilience regulatory requirements. However, Operational Resilience is far more than that. It is more than better Business Continuity, it is more than meeting the regulation, it is more than putting in place a working framework. Operational Resilience is a change of approach, cultural change, a genuine opportunity to bring a business together to work for common outcomes and a potential blueprint for better business strategy.

However, this does not happen naturally, by simply meeting the regulation.  A vision of how this can be achieved and and and understanding of how is required. Our Operational Resilience model provides that opportunity. The surprising aspect of this is that much of this can be derived through the correct approach, as opposed to through extra work or additional funding. BCS understand these benefits and how these can be realised through our model.

There are large numbers of benefits to be achieved through a positive and effective Operational Resilience model. This does not require an extended approach, larger numbers of resource or by throwing large additional funds at finding a solution. These are obtained through a clear understanding of what these additional benefits are and how they can be achieved efficiently through a robust model and approach. 

BCS not only understand this approach but have already implemented this for firms, who are now reaping the benefits. 

Our approach and model is completely scalable and can be broken down into modules, so a business can select which elements it extends and focuses on. However, full implementation of the BCS model is not complex and is easy to maintain within a business as usual environment.

We understand what life after implementation looks like. We will guide and support the set up of the business as usual Operational Resilience target operating model and demonstrate how this will add significant value to your organisation. We strongly believe that in order to implement an effective and usable Operational Resilience model, it is necessary to have a clear view of what the future team looks like. 


We provide bespoke solutions, as detailed below. Different options and solutions based on your business' requirements, needs and budget.

  • We can provide full scale implementation, Project Managing and putting a model in place to handover into a BAU environment

  • We can Project Manage and oversee your employees putting in place a bespoke version of our model

  • We can supply experienced resource to support your own implementation


See further details below, explaining more about the benefits of each of these solutions or download our brochure using the link below.

Our approach is not to create change for the sake of it or to impose an inflexible model. We we create improvement and integration with existing operational processes and Business Continuity arrangements. 

We aim to become a part of your business and not an outside influence attempting to impose or dictate. Talk to us about how we can implement and meet Operational Resilience for your business, simply and efficiently.

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Bembridge Consultancy Solutions Limited provides bespoke solutions. We offer various solution types and approaches, as shown below, to work for the business concerned and provide the best possible solution.


Our unique approach is one of understanding the business and hearing the business needs, not applying or forcing the generic approaches of the big consultancies or Auditors. Our solutions are precisely that, solutions that work for the business and meet the business' own needs and requirements. We provide a vision and find the appropriate way of implementing the right solution for your specific business at the fraction of the cost of the larger Consultancies and Auditors but with the same assurances and reliability.

We provide a bespoke approach to Operational Resilience and work with your business to implement and create benefits, whilst minimising interruptions to business as usual activity. 

We can offer different approaches depending on your business needs and requirements;

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Download our Operational Resilience Brochure for Additional Detail

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We Provide Full Project Implementation

We will fully implement a best in class Operational Resilience model for you, building a framework and completing the work for you, minimising the impact to business operations but whilst still taking the business on the journey to BAU implementation.

We will work with you to agree an initial objective and then provide full implementation of Operational Resilience for you, avoiding disruption to your operations. This negates the need for internal secondments or the use of valuable employed resource to put Operational Resilience into place.


This option works well when suitably experienced resource does not exist/ is unavailable internally or where Change Teams have no scope to assist.


We provide full project reporting, ensuring clear visibility of the benefits being implemented and achieved.


Full project implementation is supplied by us through to a 'Business as Usual' handover, which we will design with you and then fully support its placement. We will help to train and guide the Operational Resilience Target Operating Model as required, through to a point where confidence is held and a roadmap exists for the BAU Team to take forward.

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Contact Us

Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.

Kirktom House
The Green
PE10 0HB

A direct line into our Managing Director: Andrew Bembridge 07736273076

Thanks. We will be in touch shortly.

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